THINK3 Strategy

Get to know what you don't know.

In the relentless pursuit for Success we often overlook the most important aspect - "How do we measure Success?"

What is Success really? In plain terms, it is only an accolade of achievement. So why is it so desired that some will do anything for it? It is a societal acceptance - it acknowledges that we have made it by society's standards.

So why do we need it so badly? It is part of our habitual nature. On the receiving end it is a sugar hit that feeds our ego. On societies side it is a categorisation - putting us in a box or on a pedestal of understanding and positioning to comprehend perceived value for decision making purposes.

Many people and companies have gained multiple successes on many levels that we rarely hear about. It is because they don't do what they do to seek fortune or fame. They often avoid it if possible. Their success is often granted as due course of doing something they are passionate about. They don't do it to wave the success flag - it is a ripple-effect of achieving their 'WHY'!

On the surface, success seems to be a good thing but unfortunately society has a 'Tall-poppy' syndrome problem where anyone who appears to get too popular needs to be cut back a peg or two - it is society's way of controlling the activity on the platform they've created. Then there are those who chase success purely for the greed and power it feeds.

Again, YOU impact everything around you, and your future is in your hands, so be WISE about learning, experiencing and creating your successes on your Legacy journey.

Latest Articles - will be available soon

Ripple Effect

Control Your Ripple Effect

by Steve Purser - Profile7

These articles and more will be available soon. Keep watching this space for more valuable information ....
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Ripple Effect

Peak Performance

by Steve Purser - Profile7

These articles and more will be available soon. Keep watching this space for more valuable information ....
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Ripple Effect

Your Next Move

by Steve Purser - Profile7

These articles and more will be available soon. Keep watching this space for more valuable information ....
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Ripple Effect

Converting Chaos to Clarity

by Steve Purser - Profile7

These articles and more will be available soon. Keep watching this space for more valuable information ....
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